sexta-feira, 16 de maio de 2008

Light up the darkness

He had this idea. It was kind of a virologist idea. He believed that you could cure racism and hate... literally cure it, by injecting music and love into people's lives. When he was scheduled to perform at a peace rally, a gunman came to his house and shot him down. Two days later he walked out on that stage and sang. When they asked him why - He said, "The people, who were trying to make this world worse... are not taking a day off. How can I? Light up the darkness."
«I am Legend»

3 comentários:

Celinha 007 =) disse...

Axo que sim... Luz e iluminação é aquilo que a gente precisa... LOL :P * GMDT padrinho mas tens de ir ao meu blogue participar nas estatisticas... anda la lol :P

Sérgio Bandeira disse...

Pois, pois...
Eu acho que o Herman José e o Jorge Palma é que fizeram a edição deste videoclip (ver YouTube).

Hugo disse...

Pois...é pena é o video já não estar disponivel, mas pronto...

Vi o filme e realmente foi das partes que me chamou mais à atenção...;)
